Starry Sky is an interactive and responsive web-based galaxy

built to give you the opportunity to publish a tribute to a loved one.

Each glowing star in the galaxy represents a heartfelt tribute, and the corresponding tribute page includes a narrative and photos of the person as well as a “Donate” button, which leads to their Network For Good donation page.

When you add a star (a tribute that honors a loved one) you support Stardust Startups’ micro-grant program, which supports the innovative and inventive work emerging entrepreneurs. At the Shooting Star Level, you also join Spiritual Alchemy, a membership filled with curated content encouraging the transformation from grief to purpose.

A Starry Sky Tribute is the perfect gift for someone close to you that is grieving. Their loved one is memorialized in a special place on the Internet (our beautiful interactive galaxy) and they can share the personalized tribute page with their family and friends.

Gratitude and positivity play a central role in healing after a loved one has passed away. Many times when you think of being grateful, you put gratitude into the context of being thankful for something that was or will be given to you—a hug, a surprise cup of coffee on Monday morning, help opening a door, or a shoulder to cry on. And you know how good you feel when you express sincere gratitude. There’s no doubt that there’s positive energy in a heartfelt “thank you.”

When gratitude and positive energy are associated with the act of giving, it becomes the opportunity to give rather than to get.

When we began Stardust Startups, many generous family and friends provided the funds for our micro-grants. The gift of giving to Stardust has given our donors the opportunity to empower micro-grant recipients with vision, insight, and a determination to make the world a better place. We (Camille and Jean) have benefited greatly and have healed tremendously because of our work with Stardust. That feeling, that positive energy that comes with the gift of being able to give, is at the core of our peace.

So with Starry Sky, we’re providing you and others a high energy, positive place to join us on the journey as we transform grief to purpose.  It is our hope that the Starry Sky is a place for you to honor your loved one and a way for you to let your loved one continue to change the world.